Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Can one care too much?

It's nice to  be caring. But I wonder if one can care too much.  Certainly, caring can be an emotional drain. Theoretically, one can have too many loved ones.  Requiring a great deal of loving, and caring. Personally, I truly care about only a limited number of friends and acquaintances. Because if I cared intimately about everyone, I'd go crazy. Couldn't handle it all.  Therefore, I allow myself not to care about everyone. Only a  select few.  That's the nature of life. I'm aware of human tragedy.  Occurring all over the world. On a daily basis. But I turn it on and off. Pretty much at will. Best not to be too close to certain situations and certain people.  To distance one's self. To more or less ignore stuff. I suspect that  people in certain walks of life  are in danger of caring too much. Doctors and clergymen, for instance. I'd avoid those professions.  Lovers, too, can be emotionally overwhelmed. By caring for an Alzheimer-riddled loved one. --Jim Broede

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