Saturday, December 6, 2014

In laid-back Italian-style.

Readers of the New York Times are encouraged to comment. About what they've just read. To launch a dialogue. Often, that's what I find most interesting. For instance, about Roger Cohen's column. About the Italian way of life. Cohen praised it. But not all readers were so positive. Focusing, instead, on what they didn't like. Of course, that's not me. I'm in love. With Italy. And with an Italian. I'm happy. Living in Italy. When in love. One tends to wear blinders. And focus on the good stuff. Of which there's plenty. Not least being a laid-back approach to life. Keeps one happy. My true love doesn't like everything about Italy. Which gives me pause. To play the angel's advocate. Countering with the good stuff. Meanwhile, I admit not liking everything about America. And I talk about it. That's one of my inalienable rights. Wherever I go. Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. Freedom to criticize. Yes, that's what I like most about America. And Italy, too. To be honest about it, America isn't nearly as free as portrayed. Especially for the minority population. Always has been more difficult to be free if one is black. Sadly, white people are more privileged. Especially the rich white. Money counts far more than an individual voice/vote. Don't like that. But I accept it. As fact. As reality. Can't say that the Italian political system is any better than the American. But hey, I still know how to ignore the bad stuff. And get on with life. Happily and lovingly. In laid-back Italian-style. --Jim Broede

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