Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Russian air ain't bad.

Brrrr!!! It's cold tonight. By Sardinian standards. In the 30s Fahrenheit. Or about 2 degrees Celsius.  Cold enough to snow, I suppose. Though that's unlikely. The last time we had snow here in the city of Carbonia was in 1985. Just a dusting. And it's still being talked about. Indeed, a memorable occasion. The last snow before that was in 1956. Of course, all this near-freezing stuff doesn't faze me. Being a Minnesotan. This would be a balmy night. Anyway, a cold front has moved in. From Russia, of all places. I'm used to a cold blast from Canada. But hey, this Russian air ain't bad. Nice and fresh. And it had plenty of opportunity to moderate on its way down. Through Europe.  In a few days, we expect a warming trend. With south winds. Coming in from Africa. --Jim Broede

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