Friday, December 12, 2014

Takes three to hug a palm tree.

Palm trees.  Here in Sardinia. And all over the South of Italy. I adore them. But the palm trees have been devastated. In recent years. By a beetle. Tens of thousands of palms lost. But there's hope. Of saving trees. With special treatments.  Where I reside. In the city of Carbonia. The sick trees have been trimmed. And treated. Given haircuts, so to speak. The fronds trimmed. All the way to the trunk. And new growth has sprouted. Palm trees aren't native to Italy. They've been imported. Initially by rich landowners. For their palatial estates.  Carbonia's main street, Via Gramsci, is lined with the stately palms. Some 40 feet tall.  Planted when the city was founded in the 1930s.  Takes three people with linked arms to wrap around and hug the most magnificent trees. --Jim Broede

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