Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The good (dictionaries) die young.

My longtime favorite dictionary. It's dearly departed. Buried recently. In the trash barrel. And hauled away.  Sorry. I did not hold a funeral service. I just let it go. To extinction. Because the dictionary had become frayed. It was literally falling apart. Maybe I should have shown more reverence. Embalmed the dictionary. Like Lenin. And put it under glass.  But I'm the kind of guy. That tells myself. The dictionary lived a useful life. Helped expand my vocabulary. Made me more literate. But it was time. For a new, updated dictionary. One that most likely will outlive me. Funny thing though. I know people who are very protective of their dictionaries. They hardly ever use it. For fear that the pages will become frayed. They want their dictionaries to look new. Even at a ripe old age.  I say, let the dictionary age fast. The good dictionaries die young. --Jim Broede

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