Saturday, January 24, 2015

Only when I become master.

One isn't a master at anything. Until achieving perfection. Therefore, I will never become a master. At any of my pursuits. As a writer, a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer. Name it. I come up short. In everything. But that doesn't discourage me.  Because I'm still very much alive. And conscious. And lately, I have a new quest. To become a master of relaxation. To have peace and contentment. Yes, it's an impossible dream. But worth striving for. From within my self. My soul. My very being. Without textbooks. Without guidance from others. Without drugs. Mostly with my mind. I have to find a way to become spirit. While I'm still alive and physical. Raises the question. Of whether one can be physical and spirit at the same time. I suspect it can happen. If one learns to walk on water. I'm told the feat has been achieved. By another. But can't be certain about it. Could be myth. I'll become a believer. Only when I become master. Of something. Extraordinary. --Jim Broede

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