Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A funny thought.

I have funny thoughts. About life. And what it's all about. I suspect the same goes for you, too. But I'm different. Because I write about what's on my mind. In forums like this. It's my way of going naked in the world. Some of my friends go naked, too.  And let the world know what makes them tick. Without being embarrassed. I like that. I wish more people would go naked. Figuratively, of course. I'm attracted to people who go naked. That have nothing to hide. They go about living. By being themselves. They don't worry about being rejected. They are comfortable in their own skins. Doesn't matter if they have personal deficiencies. Knowing, after all, that nobody is perfect. We all have foibles. We make mistakes. But we forgive ourselves. Because we know how to learn. From our mistakes. And joyfully laugh about it. Now that's a funny thought. --Jim Broede

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