Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I have no shame.

I don't know anyone. Without foibles. Without personal blemishes. Everyone has shortcomings. Everyone is less than totally honest. Imperfect. So, NBC news anchor Brian Williams has lost some of his gloss. His trustworthiness. He's dropped from 23rd most trusted. To something like 835th. I'm amused by it all. Makes me wonder. Where I'd rank.  If I were a celebrity. It'd depend, I suppose, on how well I built my image. On how well I faked it. And duped the public. That's part of being a celebrity. Satisfying one's ego. Constructing a facade. Instead of being one's true self. It'd probably be easier for me. Than for others. Because I'm a natural born fool. An idiot. A nincompoop. A completely crazy man. I can't help being anything else.  I have no shame. --Jim Broede

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