Saturday, February 14, 2015

Maybe tomorrow.

Reason to mark the calendar. I had a Julie sighting today. Julie is in depression. Mostly because she's grieving. Over the loss of her parents. Anyway, people in depression tend to be reclusive. They go to bed. And hide out there. For long, long periods. I hadn't seen Julie in three days. Though I was over several times. Each day. To fetch Julie's dog Sasha. For our daily workouts. In an ideal world, Julie would take Sasha for walks. But things ain't exactly ideal for Julie. I'm trying to coax her. Into bouts of upbeat thoughts. But that's difficult. Especially if I hardly ever see her. I insisted on seeing Julie today. I kidded her. That I was beginning to suspect husband Rick of foul play. Anyway, I rejoiced. At seeing Julie alive. Even though she didn't look well. She's gaunt.  And looks tired. Obviously, going to bed is no cure-all. For depression. Meanwhile, I hugged Julie. In accord with advice. Received. On this message board. From w/e. It was good advice. Unfortunately, Julie needs more than hugs.  A good start would be a physical exam. And psychotherapy. Rick and I are working on it. Have been. Forever, it seems. Almost long enough to drive both of us into depression. As some of you know. I'm the eternal optimist. Some day, Julie will be on the road to recovery.. Maybe starting tomorrow. --Jim Broede

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