Sunday, February 8, 2015

No such beast as an honest man.

I don't know an honest man. Or woman. Probably never will. Because there ain't such a beast. We're all liars. All of us embellish or slant the truth. To some degree. Nobody is perfectly honest.  So all this holier-than-thou stuff. About Brian Williams. The NBC news anchor. Being castigated. For stretching the truth. Is a lot of hokum. From untruthful people. Nobody is totally honest. All the time. I'm like everyone else. Make myself look good. By painting a picture. Of me. In a good and deceptive light.  We all do it. Every politician does it. Around the clock.  Some haven't spoken the truth in eons. And advertisers. They are masterful at distorting the truth. I suspect that most of the time, Williams tries to give a reasonable semblance of the truth. But he's handicapped. Like the rest of us. Because we wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit us over the head. Williams and most personalities on TV are entertainers. They are trying to present the news to us in entertaining fashion. To improve ratings. They covet being celebrities. Being famous. And being high paid. They are willing to compromise the truth.  In order to get ahead. And even those of us who aren't famous or high paid --sell our souls to get ahead. I look at all news reports. With skepticism. I've been in the news business. A writer for newspapers.  Therefore, I have ample reason to be skeptical. I've seen it from the inside.  I am like Diogenes the Cynic. The Greek philosopher. Carrying a lamp in the daytime. Claiming to be looking for an honest man. Yes, one could look forever. And never find one. --Jim Broede

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