Saturday, February 21, 2015

On living a glamorous life.

Don't need all that much. To make my day. Merely sit down at the computer. And write a thought. On how to glamorize my life. For instance. By looking to my right. Out the sliding glass doors. To a sea of white. A carpet of snow. As far as one can see. Over the deck. Across the yard. Atop the frozen lake. A fine backdrop. For the skeletal leafless trees. As I listen to classical music. For meditation. Played softly. As I nibble on a cinnamon scone.  And sip a cold glass of milk. Still in my pajamas and a flannel robe. Knowing it's time to open the door to Loverboy's room. So that a loving cat. Can come to my lap. And purrfectly say, 'Good morning.' Yes, I am convinced. Beyond a doubt. That I am living a glamorous life. --Jim Broede

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