Saturday, February 7, 2015

The best psychotherapy.

Taking care of things. In an orderly fashion. That's what I've decided to do. In the month of February. Things that I let slide. Such as getting my cat Loverboy in for a check up. With his veterinarian.  He hasn't been in since 2011. I'm going in, too. For sort of a mental check. With a psychotherapist. Haven't seen one since the early 1980s. When I had a conflict. With an editor. The only one I ever disliked. Really, he was in more need of psychotherapy. Than me. He was a mean-spirited guy. And I wanted to find ways to cope with mean spirits. I did. Got out from under him. Simple solution. Didn't need psychotherapy to know that. Now, 30 years later, I'm merely curious about myself. And the way I cope with life. Psychotherapy might give me some insights. Or better yet, I might give the psychotherapist insights. Into a complex human being. By becoming his psychotherapist. I'm good at it.  Yes, the best psychotherapy operates on a two-way street. --Jim Broede

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