Thursday, February 26, 2015

The power of positive writing.

Writing. It's my best form of therapy. A way to control my mind. Let's say, I'm having a bout of anxiety. I swing into action. By writing about what may be causing my anxiety. Perhaps in an analytical way. That helps me understand the root of the problem. And how to deal with it. In an effective manner. That makes me feel less anxious. If I'm feeling sad. Maybe for good reason. I can still switch gears. And write about something that makes me happy. Yes, a change of focus. That's all it takes to get me on to a positive track. I may set off a chain reaction. Writing about 10 things that tend to make me happy. I'm encouraging my depression-riddled friend Julie. To try this approach. To put positive thoughts. Down on paper. Or on the computer screen. Forcing the mind to see a way out of her funk. It's a way to talk to one's self. And to take better control of one's life. With the power of positive writing. I talk to Julie. To plant ideas. To get her out of depression. Sometimes, it works. Other times, it doesn't. I tell Julie, too. That she could take the initiative. By writing. Every day. About what's on her mind. And then picking  and choosing. Between negative thoughts. And positive thoughts.  Grasping the thought most likely to make her day. Yes, positive writing is my salvation. No reason why it can't be Julie's. --Jim Broede

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