Saturday, March 7, 2015

My new-found tricky maneuver.

My problem. I want to feel in tip-top shape.  Mentally. Physically. All the time. If I'm only 80 or 90 percent, it has a negative effect. On my morale. Might even cause me anxiety. Or worse yet, depression. I have a high tolerance for pain. That is, if I know it's temporary. That it'll go away. Eventually. Oh, the perils of aging. One no longer feels like a well-conditioned athlete. Of course, I'll settle for a well-conditioned 79-year-old. Notice, I don't say 80. Yet. No sense in getting ahead of myself. Meanwhile, I'm trying to unlearn my counting skill. Not sure any more what comes after the number 79. I think it's 78. Followed by 77. Yes, I have a new-found ability. To trick myself. Into getting younger and younger. --Jim Broede

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