Friday, March 20, 2015

Paying proper homage.

Lately, I have been finding happiness. On my knees. And in my hands. Touching dirt. And leaves. Yes, getting a feel for Mother Earth. Doing yard work. Gardening. Welcoming spring. Nothing more satisfying. Than crawling. In huge swaths of pacysandra. A ground cover. That I find aesthetically preferable to traditional grass. Pacysandra flourishes. In vivid green. In the shade. Yes, the moment the snow melts. Pacysandra. So hardy. So resilient. In the autumn. When the leaves fall. There's no reason to rake. Instead, the dried and crisp leaves form a blanket. Over the pacysandra. As the snow melts, the leaf-blanket becomes damp and compacted. Easily picked up. By my bare hands. As I kneel. In an uncovering ceremony. Paying proper homage. To my dear, dear waves of beautiful pacysandra. --Jim Broede

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