Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tended to. By god-like beings.

Give me life in the 4th dimension. Being a simple 3-D creature ain't good enough for me. Living in a 4th dimension would make me feel more at home, more god-like. And maybe I'd even have a yearning for life further beyond -- into a 5th and 6th dimension. Tried to stir a conversation. Today. With my amore mio. About how we limited 3-D folks probably wouldn't even know it. If we were being visited now. By intelligent living beings from the 4th dimension.  Because we can't see beyond 3-D. Unfortunately, my amore mio prefers focusing on more mundane stuff. Like preparation for her English literature class. Not profound speculation about ghosts. Because that's what a 4-D character might look like. To me, in my narrow 3-D world. A wisp. A cloud. Maybe disconnected blobs of flesh. Think about it. Imagine a two-dimensional world. Resembling a sheet of paper. How would you appear to the inhabitants of such a world? And say, you tried to interact with them. They'd see you only as a cross section of you intersected in their universe. They would see irregular shapes. Not the full you. Similarly, those of us living in 3-D would be unable to see a full being in the 4th dimension. Someone in  4-D could easily pick up something in the 3-D world. Make it disappear. Like magic. Like an act of god. Fantastic stuff, isn't it? Just trying to imagine superior forms of life. When I die. That's where I want to go. Into the 4th dimension. Where I could be kept alive. And tended to. By god-like beings. --Jim Broede

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