Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The path to continued happiness.

Thought I might lapse into anxiety/depression in old age. Could be the easiest and most convenient form of suicide. For the elderly. The loss of will. To live physically any more. Maybe it's the most natural way to die. A form of acceptance. Better that than constant anxiety/depression. Maybe death is a new form of happiness. I ponder that notion. By finding ways to milk more out of life. Yes, even in decrepit old age. One must achieve that love for life mostly with the mind. Because the physical element of life is on the wane.  That's the way it is. Of course, even the mental goes on the wane, too. Eventually. With feeble-mindedness. All the more reason to lose the will to live.  Makes me wonder. About Methuselah. It must be a myth. How could a physical being live for 900-and-some years? Impossible. It would be easier to walk on water. Meanwhile, maybe there is a way to avert anxiety/depression. With one's imagination. By thinking of ultimate life. As spirit. Ongoing life. Beyond the physical. The imagination is allowed. To go to any place. No limits. Maybe I've been imagining my physical existence. All along. Now I have to focus on the non-physical. On the spiritual realm. Is that the path to my continued happiness? --Jim Broede

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