Friday, March 6, 2015

To be able to live with myself.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. So many decisions. Makes me nervous. I hate to make decisions. About so many things. Such as whether to spend almost $1,000 to solve the medical problems of Snowflake, the 10-year-old cat I adopted 4 days ago. Or to use my 30-day option to return Snowflake to the Humane Society. And let somebody else wrestle with Snowflake's fate. I could look at this from a strictly mercenary position. Saving money. Instead of saving a cat's life. But then, it's not going to break the bank. And even if it did, so what? More important to do the right and decent and humane thing.  Really, the decision isn't all that difficult. Because I want to be able to live with myself. And with Snowflake, too. --Jim Broede

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