Sunday, March 8, 2015

To better understand thyself.

Maybe I should create a story. With my imagination. Yes, write a short story. A feel good story. With me as the protagonist. I should become immersed in this creation. For days on end. Maybe weeks. I have created a labyrinth. In which I'm lost. Can't find my way out. That's the start. To figure out. How am I going to get out of this mess? Do I go about it methodically? I must experiment. Trying this and that. How do I collect my wits? Am I in this labyrinth all by myself? Can I rely on others for help? Maybe I should look at my dilemma as an adventure. Gleaning something useful. And even entertaining. From the experience. That could be a way to offset my fears. Perhaps this labyrinth is nothing more than an imagined labyrinth. Created. In large part. By my fears. Of being lost in a labyrinth. I have been using my imagination. In negative ways. I have to use my positive imagination to slay the negative one. It's as if I have a good side. And an evil side. Makes me a balanced being. Maybe too balanced. Ultimately, my good side has to prevail. Otherwise, I'll be in trouble. Maybe this is the beginning. Of a lengthy psychoanalytical process. An understanding of my malfunctioning. Which gives me the opportunity to get it right. To find my way out of the labyrinth. Maybe the labyrinth isn't to be feared. Maybe I can go in and  out. At my pleasure. At my whim. To better understand thyself. --Jim Broede

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