Tuesday, April 21, 2015

About the pleasures of living.

Aging. A dirty five-letter word. Don't like to think too much about it. Rather stay young. And vibrant. To take an elixir. A sip from the fountain of youth. But I'm discovering. Aging doesn't have to be as bad as one imagines. More a matter of slowing down. Fortunately, more physical. Than mental. With me, at least. I can handle it. By adjusting my attitude. Merely recognizing that I have to walk 10 miles some days. Rather than running or jogging. And to break the walk up into segments. If necessary, I could still walk a slow marathon. Running would be out of the question. I can tolerate the physical aches and  pains. Far easier than the mental ones.  Nicest thing. I can still reason. Figure things out. Yes, adjust. To the process of aging. To slower-paced living. Allows for more savoring than in my hectic-paced youth. Every day. I  learn another charming lesson. About the pleasures of living. And loving, too. --Jim Broede

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