Monday, April 6, 2015

Here to stay. Forever.

When I talk politics. I'm often irreverent. And insulting. Because that's the way so very many politicians talk to each other. With lack of respect. With closed minds. With no qualms about playing dirty. And being grossly unfair to one's opponents. That's the way the game is played. With a lack of personal integrity. The whole show is run in highly partisan manner. Political animals aren't all that interested in listening to all sides of the story. Instead, their side is the only side. No give and take. No compromise. Yes, that's the way I see most political systems. Almost total lack of objectivity. Indeed, a bad way to operate a government. Ignoring the common good. Saying to heck with the majority. In favor of serving an elite few. Mostly rich and selfish power brokers. Therefore, I get annoyed.  With the political systems. And let loose with a barrage of harsh words and insults. Out of frustration. Knowing that change ain't coming. And I can't do anything about it. Politics and crazy politicians are here to stay. Forever. --Jim Broede

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