Thursday, April 2, 2015

The danger of being heartbroken.

I am addicted. To the Chicago Cubs. Yes, a baseball team. And that poses great danger.  Because my addiction can easily become negative. A consuming thing. That causes me stress. And anxiety. This could become the most dangerous baseball season ever. For me. Because some of the baseball prognosticators have predicted the best of times for the Cubs. The possibility that the Cubs may be magically transformed. From one of the worst teams in professional baseball. To the best. In a single season. Yes, all the way to the top, to the coveted World Series. Which the Cubs last won in 1908, some 107 years ago. Used to be that when the Cubs lost a game, I lamented. For days. Especially if it was a tough loss. A game they should have won. A heartbreaker, so to speak. But in recent years, I adjusted. Because each loss didn't matter much in the standings. The Cubs remained mired in last place. For five seasons.  But suddenly, the Cubs have accumulated a bunch of promising young players. Plus some veteran free agents.  Therefore, there's a potential for a dramatic turnaround in Cubs' fortunes.  And each game will become more meaningful. I may begin to lament again. Over a single loss. And go into a funk. But still, there are possible safety measures I could take. By not listening to or watching the games. Better to check the score the next day or next week or next month.  Yes, I must avoid the danger of being heartbroken. --Jim Broede

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