Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In search of other spirits.

I can imagine being a spirit. A non-physical being. With the ability to converse. With other spirits. Not sure how a spirit  would relate to the physical world. Presumably, a spirit would be invisible to physical beings. Though one could still sense the presence of a spirit. I do. Frequently. Therefore. Little wonder. That I can imagine. Being a spirit. Actually, it's my fervent wish. That I become a spirit some day. Of course, that means shedding my physical being. Which ain't a bad thought. A spiritual life would free me from physical restraints. And allow me to move about. To virtually anywhere in the cosmos. Sight unseen. I could become a spy. Eavesdropping on virtually everything/everyone in the physical realm. Not that I would want to spy. Because I would have better things to do. Such as visiting the planet Uranus. In search of other spirits.  --Jim Broede

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