Saturday, May 2, 2015

More practical than a walk on water.

I dare to think. All sorts of thoughts. By using my fertile imagination. No limits. But mostly, I zero in. On pleasant and happy thoughts. Even if that means make-believe. Like walking on water. I'm told. By someone who has done it. That such a simple act. Can be achieved. By merely believing. Without a single iota of doubt. But I have no need to walk on water. When it's sufficient to tread on solid ground. Really, far better to sail a boat on the Mediterranean Sea. To an island. Where my amore mio lives. Though I often settle. For a one hour air flight. From Rome to Sardinia. That's a more practical way. Than the days it would take. By performing the miraculous circus feat. Of walking all the way. On water. --Jim Broede

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