Sunday, May 10, 2015

My addictions.

I'm a Cubaholic. Yes, a longtime Chicago Cubs fan. Addicted to the Cubs. But you might call me a recovering Cubaholic.  I have learned to treat the Cubs with restraint. With caution. Wasn't always that way. Used to be when the Cubs lost a baseball game, I went into depression. Especially if it was a tough loss. A game they should have won. I lamented over the many missed opportunities. Had difficulty sleeping. I lamented for days on end. Yes, it had become a truly negative addiction. Caused me immense stress. But years ago, I gave myself psychotherapy. Decided not to watch Cubs games. Better to check the score. After the game. If the Cubs lose, I avoid the details. If the Cubs win, I devour the game story. Relishing every detail. Because it makes me feel good. Anyway, it's obvious. That I know how to treat addictions. Some positive. Others negative. One can live happily and contentedly. With certain addictions. Including the Cubs. But it takes a great deal of self-control. And moderation. Exactly the way I learned to handle the beloved Cubs.  Alcoholics, meanwhile, have a more difficult challenge. They'd be better off being addicted to the Cubs. Because they could still learn to practice restraint/moderation.  Not so for most alcoholics. They need to quit, period. Only then are they in recovery.  Fortunately, alcohol ain't my problem.  Don't get me wrong. I have more than one addiction.  But they are positive addictions. I'm addicted to exercise, for instance. Have to workout daily. Otherwise, I'd start climbing a wall. But exercise is good. Keeps me svelte. I'm also addicted to my Italian amore mio. She's my daily fix. Makes me feel high. All the time. And in love, too. --Jim Broede

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