Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sure beats being a Doubting Jim.

I'm inclined to believe in creators. But not necessarily in a god per se. I'm able to see creation. But I have yet to see an actual god.  I'm waiting for an introduction. An opportunity to see and commune with god. With my own eyes. And my own mind. I see the masterpiece of creation. And therefore, it's easy to assume there must have been at least one creator. Or more likely, multiple creators. After all, creation looks like a team effort. Of course, some religions claim that a single god was up to the mammoth task.  That he/she/it didn't need any creative help. I'd certainly like to meet such a god.  Then I could better gauge the god's talents and skills.  And perhaps become a real believer. Sure beats being a Doubting Jim for the rest of my life. --Jim Broede

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