Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The worst shame of all.

Several sick friends. I have 'em. A blend. Both mentally and physically sick. And I'd like to see them become well again.  The most difficult ones.  Have varying degrees of depression.  And difficulties with alcohol. Sometimes the mental problems seem more difficult to cope with than the physical ones. Partly because in America, there's a stigma attached to mental disease. People try to hide from it. Both the victims and the onlookers. As if it's a shame. More shameful than cancer or heart disease. I'm frustrated. By efforts to get help for my mentally-disturbed friends. First, they are often resistant to help. And second, they have limited options. Especially if they require substantial round-the-clock care and treatment. We need more and better mental health sanitariums. Where they can become well again. And be confined. Away from the stresses and rigors of every day life. They should be committed. Even against their wills.  For their benefit. For society's benefit, too. The worst shame of all. Is to see my needy friends wasting away. Before my eyes. When they could be saved. By proper and effective mental health care. --Jim Broede

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