Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My choice: To call it crazy.

Crazy people. So many crazy people. We so often assume that they have a right to be crazy. To be wildly eccentric. Zany. Preposterous. Take prominent gadfly politicians. Such as Donald Trump.  Ted Cruz. Michelle Bachmann. They all mimic being downright crazy. Therefore, it's difficult differentiating the mimics from the real certifiably crazies. Until maybe someone enters a church. And shoots nine people dead. Just because they happen to be black.  We label that an act of a terrorist. Rather than that of a certifiably mentally ill kook. Fact is. He's both. He's whatever society wants to call him. Doesn't matter whether the label is right or wrong.  Once upon a time, slavery was legal in the United States of America. A crazy principle upon which  our nation was founded. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.  Washington and Jefferson thought it was right and proper. Yes, to own slaves. Little wonder. That we had states seceding from the union. In defense of the principle. The right to operate on a slave economy. To take away people's freedom. Merely because they had black skins.  If that isn't crazy, tell what is? Maybe it's what happened last week. In a church. In Charleston, South Carolina. Anyway, I choose to call it crazy. --Jim Broede

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