Sunday, June 28, 2015

The amazing Rick.

My semi-friend Julie has something going for her. Namely, de facto husband Rick. They've been together for over 25 years. Amazing. How Rick has stood steadfast. By Julie's side. Even in the toughest of times. Such as now. With Julie in the depths of despair and depression.  Rick, incidentally, was a willing and  devoted care-giver.  Over the years. When Julie's dementia-riddled parents lived with them.  Believe me. That's a tough grind. Many a marriage/relationship has broken up. Under similar circumstances. Now Rick flirts with a nearly impossible achievement. Unconditional love.  It's coming close to that. He's a better man than me. After all, my friendship with Julie is conditional. She's on notice. Quit drinking and  take other difficult steps to get well again. Or else we will be through as friends. Yes, I'm playing the role of a cad. Don't want being burdened with a 'friend' that refuses to fall in love with life. --Jim Broede

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