Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thriving. In peace and harmony.

Sometimes I pretend. That I'm living in the 1860s. In America. During the Civil War. And I don't like it. Rather be living in another time.  When there was peace and harmony.  No war. Or even a threat of a lethal conflagration. Seems that would be a hard time to find. We humans are prone to war. To conflict. To violence. Makes me wonder. If other societies. In other universes. Cope with life in a fashion similar to our's. Maybe some have devised higher, and more peaceful societies. If I were the creator. That would be my mission. My intention. To allow for life throughout the cosmos. In many, many forms. To see what works. And doesn't work. The worst examples would be the societies that end up destroying themselves. The best would survive. Into eternity. Thriving. In peace and harmony. --Jim Broede

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