Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The most important assignment.

I practice what I preach. In at least one respect. By taking care of myself. First and foremost. I urge all of my friends to do the same. Take care of themselves. First and foremost. Yes, to love themselves. I love me. And that allows me to love others. My friends and acquaintances. And even strangers. I'm able to do that. Precisely because I've taken care of myself. By staying in good physical and mental and emotional condition. If I neglected me, I'd probably be out of shape. Maybe even in depression, like my friend Julie. In recent years, Julie has  done an admirable job. As a care-giver to her Alzheimer-riddled parents. Obviously, she was devoted to them. Maybe too devoted. Because she neglected herself.  She didn't get proper respite.  Became exhausted and beleaguered. Mentally and physically and emotionally. She's only a shadow of her former energetic and convivial self. She's in depression. And unable to help herself. But even worse, she often rejects help. From others. Ironic, isn't it? For so very many years, Julie was a stellar care-giver. To others. One of the best. But she's flunking the most important assignment of all. Taking good care of the person that should come first and foremost. Yes, Julie. It's time that you learned to love yourself. --Jim Broede

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