Monday, July 13, 2015

Living life without regrets.

I tell my Italian amore. That it's very important. To live long enough. To retire. She's a teacher. Of English and English literature. Yes, a nice pastime. But still, it's work.  She reports. For work. Five days a week. She prepares lesson plans. And she has to put up with the politics and the bureaucracy of the Italian educational system. Ain't easy. Yes, there's some pleasure. But it's work, too. Sad. That not everyone lives long  enough to experience retirement. Used to be that I envied people younger than me. But not so much any more. Better to be old enough to retire. I'm busier. More occupied. But it's mostly pleasure. Living life the way it should be lived. At a relatively leisurely pace. Wasn't sure that I would enjoy retirement. Thought I might miss the work-a-day world.  But I have no regrets. Imagine that. Finding a way. To live life without regrets. --Jim Broede

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