Sunday, July 12, 2015

The world's most greedy Cubs fan.

Greedy. Yes, I get greedy. In little ways. But meaningful and selfish ways. For me. In order to make me feel good. No finer example. Than the way I deal with the Chicago Cubs. The professional baseball team. That I've been addicted to. Since childhood. Of course, I want the Cubs to win. Always. But no baseball team that plays a 162-game schedule does that. Baseball teams have ups and downs. Teams win some. Lose some. It's a long season. I have no influence on whether the Cubs win or lose. Therefore, I should learn acceptance. Taking every loss, gracefully. Without bother or anguish. But I don't do that. Because I'm greedy. I want the Cubs to win, win, win. And when the Cubs lose in a particularly difficult way. It's upsetting. I become angry at the baseball gods. I bemoan the fact that the gods don't serve me. My every whim and wish.  I shout to Valhalla. Give the Cubs more wins. Catapult the Cubs into the World Series. Yes, as a Cubs fan, I'm greedy. I want everything. Nothing less than a world championship. And then I may not settle for that. I'll ask for a second, third and fourth repeat performance. Let's face it. I am the world's most greedy Cubs fan. Proud of it, too. --Jim Broede

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