Monday, August 10, 2015

The little big stuff.

For 10 days. I'll deviate from my usual regimen. Traveling. Exploring parts of the United States. Some places I've never been to before.  That's an advantage. Of being with my Italian amore. Showing her America. When I'm with her. In Sardinia. Every winter. We explore, too. Italy. And other European countries. But my favorite is her homeland.  I could venture. Daily. From a 20-mile radius of Cristina's hometown. And discover something new. Daily.  Merely being with Cristina. That's sufficient for me. She's grander than the Grand Canyon. More pertinent. More significant. In our travels together, I tend to rivet beautiful memories. Of Cristina. In my mind. Deep into my soul. I don't take pictures. Better to set the camera aside. Absorbing and savoring precious moments. Yes, every day. I have precious moments. That's why I'm a writer. I put into words. Stuff that's meaningful to me. Not necessarily to others.  I'm cultivating my being. My existence. My consciousness. My purpose. My love for life.  Cristina may want to see 100 things today. And take 100 pictures.  I can settle for five. Maybe even one. Because I like to savor a moment or two. That's all I need. Anyway, I write about these moments. By hand. When traveling. And when I get home. I'll share. In writing. Thoughts. Reflections. Stuff that I gleaned. On my discovery of America. And Cristina.  The little stuff. That really impacts my life. In big, big ways. --Jim Broede

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