Monday, September 7, 2015

Ample reason to celebrate.

When my mother died. It wasn't particularly traumatic. I didn't grieve or lament for a long time. Oh, I loved my mother. Very much. But I accepted the fact. That people are likely to die. By the time they celebrate their 88th birthday. As she did. My father's death was far more traumatic. Unexpected. At age 38. From suicide. But still, I found ways to cope. To get on with life. And reached the stage where I'm not bothered. In the least. Knowing that death is an inevitable part of life. My friend Ron. Just died. But I won't mourn or grieve. Instead, I am truly celebrating Ron's life. There's no need to shed a tear. Didn't even cry when my mother checked out. After all, it was time for her to die. No sense in lingering on and on. Better to shed one's physical being. Thereby allowing one's spirit to thrive. On it's own. Unburdened by a physical anchor. That was best for my father, too. Even at a younger age. Yes, there was still ample reason to celebrate. His death. --Jim Broede

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