Monday, October 5, 2015

A dream? Or is it a nightmare?

I have dreams. About having to write about stuff. That I don’t want to write about. That happens. When one writes for newspapers. Which I did. For many years. I had one of those dreams tonight. Seemed more like a nightmare than a dream. Because I was on an assignment. From an editor. To track down information. For a story. And I couldn’t find the place. Where I was supposed to go. And it became terribly frustrating. I stopped. To ask people for directions. And they gave me complicated routes. That made it seem impossible. As if they were leading me. Into a labyrinth. From which I’d never emerge. Finally, I woke up. Feeling stressed and tense. But to start feeling good and relaxed again. I got up. And here I am. Writing about stuff. That I can’t decide yet. Whether to call a dream. Or a too frequent bothersome nightmare. --Jim Broede

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