Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A true act of friendship.

My dear friend Julie resists taking advice. Even from dear friends. That should come as no surprise. Because Julie is an alcoholic.  I'm told by the experts  that alcoholics strongly resist taking advice. From anyone. Because they are in denial.  Thinking they don't have a serious drinking problem. Therefore, I've been advised. Don't ever give Julie advice. Because Julie is likely to resist. Perhaps adamantly and angrily. Better, I'm told, to pose questions to Julie. About her situation. Thereby, allowing Julie to come up with her own answers. Some of which may be an admission that she's got a problem. And that maybe she should do something about it. Thing is. At the moment. I can see Julie's problem more clearly than Julie. And I'm feeling helpless. Maybe if Julie were a friend, she'd find a way to help me. Out of my dilemma. Not by giving me advice. But by changing her behavior. Indeed, that would be a true act of friendship.  --Jim Broede

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