Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Insignificant in the scheme of life.

One can't live without some amount of stress and anxiety. But I'm good at managing much of it. No better example than how I cope. With my relentless longtime nerve-wracking addiction to the Chicago Cubs. Mostly, I refrain from watching or listening to the games.  Some friends tell me that's stupid. That I should get enjoyment from Cubs games. And I do. But often the pleasure comes after the game is over. And I've checked the score. When the Cubs win, I happily devour the details. When the Cubs lose, I'd rather not be bothered by the unsettling circumstances. Better to get on with the rest of my life. In relative ignorance of how the Cubs blew the game. Used to be, when I watched the Cubs lose, I'd be emotionally drained. Which was rather stupid. Now I refuse to allow myself to become overly upset.  By rising up. Above the fray. Muttering. 'Hey, Jim, it's only a mere baseball game. Insignificant in the grand scheme of life.' --Jim Broede

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