Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thereby avoiding disappointment.

I tend to guard. Against emotional disappointment. Better to play it safe. And be a little bit aloof. Rather than risk going off the deep end. And becoming emotionally entangled and estranged. In a cause. Or in a personal relationship. Better to rise above it all. And manage life. Without being overly-affected by events or circumstances. Over which I have no or little control. Such as the outcome of a baseball game or a personal rebuff. I have a certain bravado. That might be called a thick skin. But it's more a case of playing safe. By avoiding the stress and wear and tear that too often comes. In the form of emotional onslaught and turmoil. Better to distance one's self.  Maybe that's why I have become, essentially, a loner.  Dependent on myself. Rather than on others. Thereby avoiding disappointment. --Jim Broede

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