Thursday, October 15, 2015

To live life over again.

Occasionally. I wonder if my life would be radically different. If I had decided to turn down a job offer in Minnesota. In 1965. And instead, had accepted another offer. In a different part of the country. I'd still be me. But maybe a very different me. I wouldn't have met the same cast of characters. And followed a different career path. And not married the same woman. Maybe I would have been killed. When still relatively young. By being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be interesting to know  What a difference it would have made. But then, maybe one's life is fated. One will never know. Unless. By some miraculous circumstance. One is allowed to turn back the clock. And live life over again.  To see what would have happened. If I had taken the other job. --Jim Broede

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