Monday, November 16, 2015

God help us!

I am sick and tired. Of what's going on in the world. And I don't want to take it any more. Because it's driving me into depression. Yes, the answer may be to ignore it. Shut it all out. I used to do that. But it's becoming increasingly difficult. I'm inundated. With reminders. The media. It's everywhere. Overheard conversations. My neighbors. Speak in woeful terms. About world events. I want to be happy-go-lucky. And I'm repeatedly told. That's impossible. That I should remain cognizant of political wranglings. Right here in America. That we Americans need to be constantly defending ourselves. From outside threats. But when I listen to our politicians. I'm appalled. The threat comes from within our own ranks. I hear crazy talk. Crazy ideas. A lack of sanity. I need to escape. To a mountain top. Or a primeval forest. Maybe to another planet. God help us! --Jim Broede

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