Saturday, November 21, 2015

In quest of a more-perfect world.

It would be nice. And convenient. If I could stop time. And step outside of my on-going existence. Maybe for a day or two. Perhaps a week.  To review and assess things. To evaluate the course of my life. In an objective manner. It would be a time-out, so to speak.  I'd like the opportunity, too. To call in god/the creator. For a consultation. And a recommendation. As to what I should consider doing next. With my remaining years. When I reenter time and resume my life again.  Of course, I'd also take the opportunity to interview god. For clues. As to what he has in mind. Long-term. For his obvious wondrous, but imperfect creation. I'd ask if he's had misgivings. That perhaps he would consider making mid-course corrections.  In quest of a more-perfect world. --Jim Broede

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