Thursday, November 19, 2015

Life has been idyllic. Ever since.

I haven't set a firm date yet. For my return to paradise. Could be in three weeks. Or in three months. Might hinge on how I handle winter. Here in Minnesota.  Of course, winter ain't hell. If one has a positive attitude about snow and cold. But life could be so much better. And warmer. With amore Cristina. In Sardinia. Where there's no snow or freezing temperatures. But hey, regardless. I have daily contact. On Skype. With dear Cristina. Anyway, I have a life in Minnesota, too. Indeed, a balanced and happy life.  Usually, Cristina joins me. In Minnesota. In the summer. But we are thinking. That next summer.  It would be nice to travel in Europe. Together.  Prague. Budapest. Vienna. The Italian Alps, too. Where we stayed. The first time we met. Seven years ago. Life has been idyllic. Ever since. --Jim Broede

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