Monday, December 14, 2015

In a slow and methodical fashion.

A friend tells me she has too much to do. She feels inundated. Overloaded.  Little wonder that she’s a little depressed, too.  But I tell her, ‘It’s your fault.’  She could easily take charge. And manage her life at a more leisurely pace. Everything doesn’t have to get done today. Or tomorrow.  Or next week. No need to put unreasonable pressure on one’s self.  Do the essential stuff. And delay what can be delayed.  Better to take a timeout. For a stroll. Or to read a book. Or to twiddle one’s toes. Yes, a deserved break. Any form of respite. Hard for me to understand. Why so many people allow themselves to be overwhelmed. When life was meant to be savored. In a slow and methodical fashion. --Jim Broede

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