Tuesday, January 12, 2016

About my brilliant devious plot.

Certain gods don’t like me. Especially the gods that reign over sporting events.  They hardly ever answer my prayers. In fact, they give me the opposite of what I desire. If I plead with the gods to allow my favorite team to win a big game. It’s inevitable. My team loses. Often in agonizing and heartbreaking fashion. It’s as if the gods are punishing me. For daring to pray. Selfishly. For only what I want. Without considering the side effects. The collateral damage. Done to the other team.  In losing the critical game. Making their fans morose. Maybe even suicidal. So there I am. Being portrayed. As a heartless and heinous villain. Therefore, the gods claim to be justified. In giving me my just deserts. Makes me think about trickery. By pretending. That I’ve switched my allegiance. To the opponents of the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Bears. If the gods fall for it. Alas, the Cubs and Bears would go undefeated. Please, don’t tell the gods about my brilliant devious plot. Let’s keep it a secret. --Jim Broede

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