Thursday, January 14, 2016

If Trump gets elected.

Won’t surprise me. If Donald Trump becomes president. Because the nation seems to be in a mood. To be entertained. And Trump qualifies. As a superb  entertainer. Far more entertaining. Than the other mostly dour candidates.  To Trump, the political issues are incidental. Trump’s freewheeling style is entertaining. His willingness to say anything. Outlandish stuff. Merely for effect. To entertain the crowd. Trump has cultivated his act. To near-perfection. So good. He’s at his best. Especially when he plays the buffoon. And still convinces the audience. That he’s deadly serious. When it’s really meant to be a joke. I wonder. If we all will be laughing. When Trump gets elected. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Eurohorse said...

Hey. I am in a class at Boise State, and we are learning how to facilitate discussions. The topic my partner and I chose (mostly she did) is: what are five good things and five bad things - if Trump gets elected. So, we gave the class some handouts, and then we are going to show them a video, let them brainstorm, round it all up, and then let them break into groups to come up with five good, five bad.

I thought I would post this so that anybody who wants to comment can.

THought it would be kinda fun to show the class the responses....