Saturday, January 30, 2016

Reason for celebration.

Death. It used to be the real downer. In my life. I didn’t like dealing with death. With the loss of friends and loved ones and my pet cats.  And I’d just as soon not have to deal with my own inevitable demise. I didn’t even like to use the term ‘death.’ That is, until I learned to redefine death. As not really meaning end of life. Or entry into absolute nothingness. So to feel better about the whole thing, I began to imagine. Living forever. In a non-physical form. As spirit. It made sense. To assume that anything I could imagine. Could become real. True as true can be. A thousand years ago, it would have been very difficult. To imagine landing on the moon. Or sending space ships beyond our solar system. But it’s all happening. And more. Therefore, why can’t there be other dimensions?  A spiritual realm. To be discovered. Upon one’s physical death. That means my dear sweet Jeanne still lives.  In the great beyond. Soon to be joined. By our dear son Jack. Reason for celebration. No lamenting. No mourning. No grieving. --Jim Broede

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