Friday, January 29, 2016

Time for a return to the loony bin.

These are crazy people. Lunatics. But harmless, I suppose. Escapees from an insane asylum, perhaps. And they all have the same thing in mind. They want to run for public office. Actually, president of the United States of America. Yes, it’s sheer lunacy. They look and sound crazy. Very weird. One even claims to be a brain surgeon. Another wants to build a silly wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. To keep out undesirables. Another is a fat, roly-poly fellow.  Claiming to be the governor of New Jersey. What next?  Maybe Napoleon lives. That could be the stone-faced guy touting himself as a Harvard-educated political genius.  Ready to conquer not only the USA. But the entire world. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy stuff. Makes one wonder. If the men in white coats will be here soon. To take everyone back to the loony bin. --Jim Broede

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