Wednesday, February 17, 2016

In an imperfect but tolerable world.

Doesn’t really bother me. That I have no control over political events. In the USA. Or anywhere in the world. My vote. My presence. In this world. Is meaningless. When it comes to politics. What will happen politically, will happen. Whether I’m here or not. I’m resigned to that fact. I have to learn to adjust. And adapt. And accept it. I have no control over meaningful political outcomes. I can protest. Yell and scream. Which I do. To token degree. But it won’t really matter. For the most part, I try to ignore stuff that’s beyond my control. And focus instead, on things over which I can have a practical effect. Such as my personal relationships. I can decide to act kindly, or otherwise.  Generally, I try to make the most and best of situations. Sometimes to help others.  Other times, merely to suit me. And to make for a reasonably happy life. In an imperfect but tolerable world. --Jim Broede

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