Friday, February 12, 2016

Of truth more fantastic than fiction.

I believe in the impossible. Because virtually anything can be. If our cosmos exists. In the magnitude and dimension described by physicists and astronomers. Including the late Albert Einstein.  Here we are. On a tiny speck of a planet. In the Milky Way galaxy. Containing billions of stars (suns). So vast a galaxy, I’m told, that it would take 50,000 light years (traveling at 186,000 miles per second)  to cross. Furthermore, in this cosmos, there are billions of other galaxies.  Plus things called black holes. Which suck up parts of creation that get too close. With gravity so forceful. That nothing escapes. Not even light. Now I read. In the lead story of today’s New York Times, that scientists have proof. From captured gravitational waves. That two black holes have collided. But fear not. Because this is supposed to have occurred in a place some billion light years away. I’m flabbergasted. Just trying to imagine. The vastness of creation. Makes me wonder. How the heck we earthlings can be sure. Of truth more fantastic than fiction. --Jim Broede

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